Wednesday, December 31, 2014


So, I’m pregnant! I like saying I’m pregnant vs. we’re pregnant because Cody doesn’t have to get out of bed to go pee 500 times a night, among the countless other pregnancy symptoms.
I had a lot of apprehension about starting a blog this early on, I’m 7 weeks. I don’t know if you knew this but the second you start telling people you’re pregnant you start to hear horror stories of someone who miscarried at 16 weeks, or my friend that threw up every single day for the entire length of her pregnancy.  After a little deliberation I decided why not, worst case scenario I miscarry and if that does happen I would prefer to have the love and support of my friends and family.
Taken at 6 weeks pregnant on Christmas Eve
"The big guns" and cheap test
I found out I was pregnant on December 14th.  I was about a week late for my period and after taking countless, okay really it was probably 4 or 5, cheap pregnancy tests and receiving negatives I decided to bring out the big guns. I took the Clearblue®,  test that tells you how many weeks you are since conception (they work great by the way) and we finally got a positive, well a “Pregnant” if you want to get meticulous about it.
Instantly fear and excitement set in. We have been trying for 5 months- but who is counting?  I immediately started laughing because I did the math and I’ll give birth in the exact month that I was trying to avoid.  Another fun fact, a pregnant person feels about 10 degrees hotter than a normal person. During the summer months in Utah I’ll feel like it’s over 100, thank goodness I don’t live somewhere that feels like you’re on the sun. Sorry for the pregnancy brain, I’m due in August hence the temperature rant.
Thus far my symptoms have been minimal other than the fact that I could fall asleep standing 90% of the time. I haven’t had morning/all day sickness which is awesome and terrifying because of all the old wives tales. I probably drink twice as much water as a normal person and consequently as earlier stated I feel like I pee 500 times a day. And we’re getting into the TMI phase of things I feel like my boobs are huge. I guess I have nothing to complain about because I’m not puking my guts out.

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